Breakfast In Tiffany-Holly’s Apartment- A Style Comeback?

Truman Capote’s novella, Breakfast in Tiffany emerged as a film in 1961. It was a romantic comedy starring the adorable Audrey Hepburn who found the role of Holly Golightly quite challenging as she was playing an extrovert when in actuality she herself was quite reserved. The film inspired fashion for years. It re-launched ‘The-little-black-dress’ for one thing  making it a very lasting trend.


However, I did have a bit of a surprise when I found myself watching the movie again recently.  I was struck by the furnishings in Holly’s apartment.


Even though the furnishing was supposed to depict scarcity in order to show Holly’s lack of funds, the décor was contemporary with today’s style.  For instance, the tub fashioned into a sofa.  I have seen similar in interior magazines and up-cycling forums.


Even this style-inspired one below:


The retro suitcases stacked against the wall is currently in trend.


Zebra print rug has featured quite a lot in magazines and catalogues in recent years.


How about the crate coffee table?  It’s one of the most popular things with up-cyclists presently.  Here’s one sold by Etsy:


There is also the grey carpet and grey sheened painted walls in the hallway outside her apartment.  Grey paint is a very in colour in today’s interior design. The below picture doesn’t do it justice.  In the movie the grey was a very pretty modern grey.


So what is it about this movie that inspires both fashion and interior designers? It meant that you didn’t have to spend a lot of money to be glamorous. One black dress = changes to different outfits with different accessories.  If you don’t have what you want, make it out of something else like the tub-sofa.  Don’t have a chest of draws? Use suitcases. Found a weathervane? Use it as a focal point in your room!


3 thoughts on “Breakfast In Tiffany-Holly’s Apartment- A Style Comeback?

  1. I had no idea there was even a term such as “up-cycling” until you introduced it to me. I have been practicing it’s much blander cousin, cheap practicality, for many years. The huge difference is that the end result of up-cycling makes even cheap things look beautiful whereas cheap practicality kinda just makes me look cheap and lacking in complete taste and sense. I am starting to look at furnishings with a more aesthetic eye because of your posts. I love how you showed the impact this classic film has had on the fashion and design world today. 🙂


  2. what a fun comparison! the juxtaposition of photos is so interesting. my husband and I used to have a joke that if it didn’t move, it would be painted. he would come home from work and, like ‘where’s waldo?’ try to figure out what item was a different color today – result of that days’ attempt at up-cycling! 🙂


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